Banning Booze: Are We Really Helping Russia's LGBTQ+ by Boycotting Stoli?


From the Audio Vault of Summer 2013 / 2020 Update: Stoli Survived the P.R. Crisis

Russia recently passed some extreme anti-gay legislation, banning things like gay pride events and even talking about homosexuality within the earshot of children. Offenders face severe fines and jail sentences.  Russia’s LGBT and allies are under attack!

Bars are uniting all over the globe to support gays by banning booz! Is boycotting Stoli and other Russian vodka really proving a point to Putin?

The Bo Boys chat with the owner of the popular Jersey City, NJ bar PINT - Wolf Sterling.  Wolf offers up better ways to help stop Putin’s bashings.

He even explains what really happens when a straight man sits down next to two gay guys at a gay bar… and it’s not what you’re thinking!


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