The Night I Came Out of the Closet

Coming Out.jpeg

From the Audio Vault of Winter 2008

I knew my life would never be the same the moment he heard me knocking from the other side of the door. 

The night I came out of the closet, I pretty much covered every topic under the sun, except my sexual orientation. My friend of many years, Michael, was the handsome guy sitting across from me at a little Irish Pub in my hometown of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was such a trooper, listening to me bounce from one topic to another. 

Eventually our happy hour(s) came to an end. I was driving home. I remember looking at my hands on the wheel and asking myself, "What are you doing? It's now or never." It was well past 11:00 when I decided to turn the car around and head to his apartment. The road was dark and his lights were off as I walked up the narrow pathway to his porch. 

I knocked on the door. 


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