Dear H.S. Quaterback, Are You Gay?


From the Audio Vault of January 2008

What happens when you are growing up gay and find yourself having a crush on the quarterback of your high school football team?

Do you just walk up to his locker and ask him out? If you're anything like Josh, you simply write a letter and leave it to the good ole U.S. Postal Service to do the rest. Unfortunately, his crush wasn't the only one who read the message. 

This is definitely an oldie, but goodie. This conversation about schoolboy crushes with Josh happened so many years ago. After recording this segment, we hopped on the 4 train to Union Square and headed to the movies. We watched Cloverfield. We sat so close to the screen I remember having to crane my neck to a 90 degree angle. That was the last time I saw Josh. His story is timeless and quite innocent. 


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